5 things you wish you knew before starting Reformer Pilates

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1. Don’t be afraid of the lingo.

When you start anything new, there’s a lot of new stuff to learn!

But this is exactly why you’re here, to try something new!

So do your Pilates class, and have fun! You might be a bit weirded out about “feet in straps” or “hundreds” because you’ve never heard of them before, but trust me you’re going to love it!

2. Don’t let your ego stop you from taking the modifications.

We all have different strength and fitness levels and how amazing is it that we are all different?!

Maybe you just aren’t feeling your strongest on a particular day.

We understand that sometimes you just need to take an easier option or a modification —and that’s okay! As a long time Pilates lover and teacher, I even take the modifications!

3. Pilates is not a cushy workout, you will feel it!

Pilates is hard. Good hard. You will feel muscles you didn’t know you had.

And the best part? When you find the right Studio (wink, wink) and teachers for you, they will help you get the moves right.

4. Lack of sweat doesn’t mean you’re not working.

Trust us, you will feel this in the morning.

If you have never tried reformer Pilates before, it can be hard to imagine how a workout that does not leave you drenched in sweat can produce results. But trust us: it does!

5. You don’t have to “get in shape” to start Pilates!

Pilates is for everyone, it meets you exactly where you are. You might be a former gym junkie who hasn’t kept up with your workouts and is shy about not feeling your best. Or maybe you have never really exercised before but you want to start, it is never too late!